What is the estimated delivery date of my order?

It might take us up to 48 hrs to dispatch your order, once the order is confirmed. Once your order has been dispatched from our warehouse, deliveries are completed within 4-6 business days.

My order is unshipped, I would like to cancel my order?

Sorry to hear that you would like to cancel your order. You can log in to your account and cancel the order yourself. Just for feedback, please do let us know what caused you to cancel your order, this will help us improve in the future.

I would like to know about your return policy?

Please note that the items must be returned in their original packing and should not have been used. Devashree reserves the right to process refunds after checking the returned items. No returns will be accepted after 30 days.

I need to change the delivery address, how can I do that?

If your order has not yet been picked up from our warehouse, we can definitely change your delivery address. Just reach out to us on any of our support channels and we will do our best to help! If the order has already been dispatched, there is very little we can do to update the address. If we have already shipped your order, we will call back the order and send you a new package from our side.

Can you do something for a speedy delivery?

You have a need for expedited shipping, let us know and we will try our best to dispatch the order as early as possible.

Can you call me on my number while delivering?

We work with all leading delivery partners and most of them will give you a call before delivering the order. However, this is not something that we can vouch for, since there are third-party delivery agents involved.

Will stone color get discolored?

You can buy our color-stoned jewellery with the assurance that the colors will not fade with day-to-day use. Please avoid any physical harm or other exposure to any acidic chemicals and the stones in your jewellery will stay good as new!

Can you please check if my order is confirmed or not?

All prepaid orders are confirmed by default and for all COD orders, we will reach out to you for confirmation via call/SMS/email/WhatsApp and once you have confirmed, we will ship out the order. In case there is an issue because of which we are unable to ship out your order, we will reach out to you for the next steps on how to proceed further.

I need to exchange as my product is broken?

Sorry to hear that your product is damaged. Please drop us an email at sales@devashree.com with images of the product and we will help arrange a replacement for you.

I returned my product when will I get the replacement?

In case you have opted for a replacement, your replacement gets shipped out as soon as the initial order is returned. Once the new order is created, you will receive a confirmation over email.

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